How Much Does 3D Printing Cost? A Detailed Comparison

With its unmatched flexibility and adaptability, 3D printing has become a game-changer in modern manufacturing and prototyping. The appeal of 3D printing services is its capacity to accurately convert digital plans into physical products, appealing to both large-scale industries and small-scale amateurs. But among all of the excitement about this technology, one crucial issue that frequently comes up is: How much does 3D printing cost? This detailed blog will look into the complexities of 3D printing costs. We will also examine various pricing factors, compare them with traditional manufacturing methods, and envision future trends that may shape its economic landscape.

What is 3D Printing?

Let's first examine the principles of 3D printing before getting into the price specifics. 3D printing, also referred to as additive manufacturing, is a technique that builds three-dimensional objects from digital models by depositing layers of material one after the other. With this technology, complicated geometries that would be difficult or impossible to fabricate using conventional manufacturing techniques can now be created. For various uses, including rapid prototyping, bespoke part manufacturing, and artistic pursuits, 3D printing provides an adaptable answer.

3D printing.

What are the Factors Affecting 3D Printing Costs?

Several factors influence the cost of 3D printing, each significantly determining the final price tag. Here are some crucial things to remember:

1. 3D Printer Cost

The initial cost of purchasing 3D printing equipment can significantly influence the total cost of printing. Knowing the pricing model for 3D printing services is essential. For instance, we include a fee per gram of material used along with a base fee for each print job. Our service charges $0.30 per gram of material used plus a $3 base fee for each print job. Typically, material expenses amount to around $20 to $30 per kilogram for individuals who own their printers.

2. Materials

Another critical factor that affects cost is the selection of printing materials. Different materials have varying price points and performance qualities, including plastics, metals, ceramics, and composites. Although they may be more expensive, specialty or high-performance materials provide improved attributes like strength, durability, or heat resistance.

3. Number of Perimeter Walls

Perimeter walls, also known as shells or outlines, are the outer layers of the printed object. They provide the shape and surface finish of the object. The number of perimeter walls determines the thickness of these outer layers. Increasing the number of perimeter walls enhances the print's surface quality, strength, and stability. However, it also increases the price, print time, and material usage.

4. Infill Percentage

When you design a 3D model for printing, it's not always necessary to print the entire volume of the object solid. Infill percentage determines how much of the internal space is filled with material. A higher infill percentage means more material inside the object, leading to increased strength, higher material usage, and longer print times. Conversely, lower infill percentages result in lighter, faster prints but with reduced structural integrity.

Advantages of 3D Printing

Comparing 3D Printing Costs with Traditional Manufacturing

While there are many benefits to 3D printing regarding speed, flexibility, and customization, a complete picture of its economic impact requires comparing its cost-effectiveness with more conventional manufacturing techniques. Here's a comparative analysis:

Cost Advantages of 3D Printing

Lower Tooling Costs: 3D printing eliminates the requirement for expensive molds, dies, or tooling setups necessary for traditional manufacturing procedures. This financial gain benefits custom projects or small-scale production runs when standard tooling costs would be prohibitive.

Unmatched Design Freedom and Customization: 3D printing frees designers from the limitations of conventional manufacturing techniques to create complex shapes, elaborate patterns, and unique geometries. Because of this flexibility, designers can quickly iterate, tweak designs for performance, and customize products to meet specific needs without paying more for setup or additional gear.

On-Demand Production: Large minimum order quantities (MOQs) are sometimes required in traditional manufacturing to cover setup costs. This results in excess inventory and storage costs. On the other hand, firms can produce what is needed when it is required, thanks to 3D printing, which reduces waste, inventory costs, and obsolescence risk.

How Much Does 3D Printing Cost

Tips for Cost-effective 3D Printing

1. Material Optimization

Cost-effective 3D printing depends on choosing the appropriate material for the intended use. Conducting material assessments and performance evaluations can help identify the most suitable option based on factors such as mechanical properties, surface finish requirements, and budget constraints.

2. Print Parameter Adjustments

Fine-tuning print settings, including layer height, infill density, and print speed, can impact printing time and material usage. Significant savings can be achieved by experimenting with various configurations and fine-tuning them for every project without sacrificing structural integrity or quality.

3. Maintenance and Upgrades

Frequent upkeep and timely upgrades can reduce print failures, save downtime costs, and increase the equipment's lifespan in 3D printers. Upgrading firmware, purchasing high-quality components, and keeping up with technology developments can reduce long-term expenses and increase productivity and dependability.

4. Utilizing 3D Printing Services

Hiring a professional 3D printing shop to handle printing tasks can be affordable for people or companies with infrequent printing needs or little funding. These service providers remove the need for upfront hardware and infrastructure investments by providing knowledge, tools, and materials on a pay-per-use basis.

Future Trends and Innovations Affecting 3D Printing Costs

Many new developments and trends in 3D printing are about to change the economics of this industry as it develops and becomes more sophisticated. Here's a look at what the future holds for 3D printing prices, from disruptive technologies and changing market trends to advancements in materials and printing speed:

1. Advances in Materials

Creating new materials with more excellent qualities—like increased strength, better heat resistance, or biocompatibility—can broaden the range of applications for 3D printing while lowering prices via economies of scale.

2. Improvements in Printing Speed

High-speed printing technologies, continuous liquid interface production (CLIP), and multi-material printing systems are examples of advances that promise to shorten lead times and speed up production cycles while maintaining quality requirements.

3. Emerging Technologies

Emerging technologies beyond conventional layer-by-layer printing, like voxel-based printing, 3D bioprinting, and nanoscale additive manufacturing, are expanding the possibilities for affordable production in various industries by pushing the limits of what is achievable with 3D printing.

4. Market Trends Impacting Costs

Market dynamics can affect how cost-competitive 3D printing is in comparison to conventional manufacturing techniques. These dynamics include modifications to supply chain management, geopolitical considerations, and adjustments in customer preferences. It is imperative to stay up to date with current trends and modify plans as necessary to maintain competitiveness in a dynamic environment.

Explore Cutting-Edge 3D Printing Solutions At KC Proto!

Check out KC Proto if you want innovative 3D printing services and solutions! Our cutting-edge facilities, skilled workforce, and dedication to innovation set us apart as the go-to choice for all your production and prototyping requirements. We provide a full range of services, from material selection and post-processing to quick prototyping and bespoke part production, customized to your needs, regardless of your experience level in the sector. We can fully utilize 3D printing to realize your ideas and produce accurate, effective results.


  • 3D printing services involve submitting a digital design prepared for printing using specialized software. The design is then sent to a 3D printer for fabrication and post-processing for quality finishing.

  • Common 3D printing technologies include FDM, SLA, SLS, DMLS, and DLP, each suited to different materials and applications, offering varied resolutions and production volumes.

  • 3D printers commonly support standard formats like STL, OBJ, and STEP, though some may also accept proprietary or software-specific files.

  • Printing time varies based on size, complexity, and chosen settings. Small objects may take a few hours, while larger or intricate designs require days or weeks.

  • The size of printable objects depends on the printer's capabilities. Industrial printers can handle large items, while desktop printers have more restricted build volumes.

Everything You Need To Know About 3D Printing Technology

3D printing is a shining example of innovation in the rapidly changing field of technology, turning digital designs into actual products with unmatched accuracy and productivity. The uses of 3D printing are as varied as they are endless, ranging from the production line to the artist's studio and offering an infinite future of personalization and inventiveness. We set out on a quest to learn everything about 3D printing in this comprehensive guide, from how do 3d printers work to its origins to its profound effects in a wide range of industries.

What is 3D Printing?

3D printing, also known as additive manufacturing, represents a paradigm shift in creating objects. In contrast to conventional subtractive manufacturing techniques, which involve removing material from a solid block, 3D printing constructs objects from the bottom up, layer by layer. This additive method provides versatility and creative freedom, simplifying the creation of elaborate structures and complex shapes.

3d Design And Printing Services

How Do 3D Printers Work?

The intricate interaction of materials, technology, and software is the basis of 3D printing. The process typically begins with creating a digital 3D model using Computer-Aided Design (CAD) software. After that, slicing software creates instructions for the 3D printer by cutting this digital blueprint into thin horizontal layers. The printer then carefully follows the directions from the slicing software, depositing or solidifying material layer by layer until the desired object is entirely produced.

When Was 3D Printing Invented?

The roots of 3D printing can be traced back to the 1980s when Chuck Hull invented stereolithography (SLA). This pioneering technology laid the foundation for additive manufacturing as we know it today. Since then, various additive manufacturing methods have surfaced, each with unique advantages and uses, opening up new horizons for the 3D printing industry.

3d Printing Service Prototyping

Types of 3D Printing

1. Material Extrusion (FDM)

One of the most popular and easily accessible 3D printing methods is fused deposition modeling (FDM), a material extrusion. Thermoplastic filaments are heated in FDM printers and are pushed layer by layer via a nozzle to make objects. This approach is popular because it is easy to use, inexpensive, and versatile, making it appropriate for various tasks, including do-it-yourself projects and quick prototyping.  This is also the most affordable and common method in 3d printing offering a variety of material and color options. 

2. Stereolithography (SLA)

Stereolithography (SLA) utilizes a liquid resin cured by ultraviolet (UV) light to create precise, high-resolution models. SLA printers use a laser or projector to harden the resin layer by layer, producing prints with a beautiful, smooth surface finish and lots of detail. Applications for this technique can be found in fields where precise details and elaborate designs are crucial, like dentistry, jewelry, and the manufacture of medical devices.

3. Multi Jet Fusion (MJF)

Multi Jet Fusion (MJF) represents the advanced 3D printing technology, offering unparalleled speed, precision, and part quality. MJF is a technology developed by HP that applies a fusing agent selectively to a powdered material bed. The particles are then fused using an energy source, usually infrared light. This technology is perfect for various industrial applications since it can produce end-use parts with exceptional mechanical qualities, surface polish, and functioning prototypes.

What Can You Print With 3D Printers?

The versatility of 3D printing extends to various applications across various industries and disciplines. Some common objects that can be printed include:

using 3d printing process

Phone Stands and Organizers: Custom-designed accessories to keep your devices organized and within reach.

Small Plastic Objects: From household gadgets to toys and trinkets, 3D printing allows for easy, rapid prototyping and production of small plastic components.

Architectural Models: Architects and designers use 3D printing to create detailed scale models of buildings and structures for visualization and presentation, enabling stakeholders to understand better and engage with the design concepts.

Medical Devices: The healthcare industry harnesses 3D printing to produce patient-specific implants, prosthetics, surgical guides, and anatomical models for preoperative planning and training, revolutionizing patient care and surgical outcomes.

Arts and Crafts: Artists and creators explore the artistic potential of 3D printing to bring their imaginative designs to life, from sculptures and installations to wearable art and fashion accessories, pushing the boundaries of creativity and expression.

Personalized Gifts: With 3D printing, you can customize gifts and keepsakes, such as jewelry, figurines, and photo frames, to commemorate special occasions and create lasting memories for your loved ones.

Educational Materials: Teachers and educators utilize 3D printing to create interactive learning aids, models, and prototypes, enhancing student engagement and comprehension across various subjects and disciplines.

Custom 3d Printing Services

What Industries Use 3D Printing Technology?

The adoption of 3D printing spans various industries, each benefiting from its unique capabilities and advantages. Some key sectors that leverage 3D printing technology include:

Aerospace: By using 3D printing to prototype and quickly produce lightweight, complicated parts like engine parts, turbine blades, and structural components, the aerospace sector can reduce costs while increasing performance and fuel economy.

Automobiles: Manufacturers use 3D printing to quickly create tools, customize products, and manufacture spare parts on demand. This streamlines production procedures cuts lead times, and promotes more creative and flexible design.

Healthcare: 3D printing revolutionizes healthcare by providing personalized solutions, promoting medical research, and improving patient outcomes through tailored therapy and surgery planning. Applications range from patient-specific medical equipment and implants to bio-printed tissues and organs.

Fashion and Jewelry: By using 3D printing, designers and jewelers can produce complex, bespoke creations that go beyond the limits of conventional craft and aesthetics. This allows the fashion and luxury goods sectors to be more innovative, sustainable, and creative.

Architecture and Construction: Design exploration, optimization, and cooperation in the built environment become easier for architects and engineers by using 3D printing to prototype architectural models, building components, and construction tools quickly.

3d Printing Service Kansas City

Leverage Customized 3D Product Solutions From KC Proto

Here at KC Proto, we're experts in creating personalized 3D printing solutions that meet your unique demands. Our modern technology and experience enable you to realize your ideas accurately and efficiently, whether as a product designer, engineer, or hobbyist. We offer extensive services to support your project from conception to completion, from low-volume production and custom fabrication to quick prototyping and functional testing. To learn more about how we can assist you in realizing your dreams and utilizing 3D printing technology to its fullest, contact us now.


  • 3D printing materials range from plastics and resins to metals, ceramics, and even biomaterials. Common materials include PLA, ABS, PETG, nylon, resin, stainless steel, titanium, and biocompatible polymers.

  • Yes, 3D printing can be used for manufacturing finished products, although it may be more suitable for low-volume production, customized items, and complex geometries. Aerospace, automotive, and healthcare industries increasingly utilize 3D printing for end-use parts and components.

  • The advantages of 3D printing include design freedom, rapid prototyping, customization, waste reduction, supply chain efficiency, and revolutionizing manufacturing methods.

  • Common file formats for 3D printing include STL (stereolithography), OBJ (object), and AMF (additive manufacturing format). These formats encode the geometry and topology of 3D models, allowing them to be interpreted by slicing software and translated into printable instructions.

  • 3D printing technology has become increasingly accessible to individuals and hobbyists in recent years, thanks to affordable desktop printers, user-friendly software, and online resources. From DIY enthusiasts to educators and entrepreneurs, anyone can harness the power of 3D printing to unleash their creativity and innovation.

3 Main Types of Product Prototyping: Which One Fits Your Project?

Prototyping has a crucial function in the world of product development. It acts as a physical prototype that lets engineers and designers experiment and improve their concepts before moving on to large-scale manufacturing. This improves the overall quality of the finished product while also saving time and resources. Working with a respectable prototype company can help companies look for professional prototyping solutions to expedite the development process and guarantee the production of creative, high-quality products. We will examine the three primary methods of product prototyping in this blog post: Line Drawings and Mockups, Digital Prototypes & Renders, and Working Prototypes. We will also discuss each method's advantages and suitability for various kinds of projects.

Types of Product Prototyping

1. Line Drawings and Mockups

Line drawings and mockups are the earliest forms of prototyping, often created during the initial stages of product development. As the name implies, line drawings are straightforward pictures that show a product's fundamental composition and features. Using materials like cardboard or foam, mockups, on the other hand, are tangible representations of the product. Visualizing and communicating design concepts is the primary goal of this kind of prototyping.

Line drawings and mockups are advantageous because they facilitate quick brainstorming, are affordable, and allow for gathering early input. Without requiring a substantial investment of time or money, these prototypes assist clients and stakeholders in understanding the general appearance and feel of the product.

Examples Suited for this Prototyping: Mockups and line drawings work best for the early conception stages of projects. These may involve developing a new device design, developing the packaging, or making preliminary user interface designs.  Line drawings are also used for patent application submissions.

2. Digital Prototypes & Renders

Digital prototypes and renders move the prototyping process online and creates models that can then be produced. Designers construct detailed three-dimensional (3D) models of the product using computer-aided design (CAD) software. These digital representations allow for a more in-depth exploration of the design, including its functionality and aesthetics.

Digital prototypes have the advantage of being able to quickly iterate designs, replicate real-world situations, and share the virtual model with colleagues with ease. This kind of prototype speeds up the process of fine-tuning the design and drastically decreases the requirement for natural resources.

Suitable Projects for this Prototyping: Digital prototypes are ideal for tasks requiring a great deal of accuracy and detail. Digital prototyping is very beneficial to the automotive, electronics, and consumer products industries. For example, designing a new smartphone, creating intricate mechanical components, or refining the ergonomics of a product can be efficiently accomplished through digital prototyping.

3. Working Prototypes

The most developed stage of prototyping is represented by working prototypes. These are tangible prototypes that show off the functioning of the finished product in addition to imitating its look. Working prototypes are essential for the purpose of verifying and testing the product's functionality in actual use cases.

To accurately resemble the finished product, operational prototypes must incorporate accurate materials, mechanisms, and electronics. These prototypes are put through a thorough testing process to find any defects or potential improvements.

working Prototype

Industries and Projects that Benefit from Working Prototypes: Working prototypes are significant in fields where functionality is critical. A few examples are the creation of complex machinery, electronic devices, and medical devices. Working prototypes benefit any project where user engagement and product performance are important considerations.

Tools and Technologies for Product Prototyping

3D Printing

Prototyping has been transformed by 3D printing since it makes it possible to create physical models layer by layer quickly. This technology is beneficial for creating complicated and detailed shapes that are difficult to produce using conventional production techniques. Many 3D modeling companies in Kansas City use this technology to make concepts come to life.

CAD Software

CAD software serves as the foundation for digital prototyping. It enables designers to recreate movements and interactions, produce rich 3D models, and modify exact designs. The use of CAD software eases the prototyping process, making it more efficient and accurate.

Virtual Reality Simulation

The use of virtual reality (VR) simulation in the development of product prototyping is growing in popularity. Designers and stakeholders can engage with the virtual prototype in three dimensions, making it an immersive experience. When assessing ergonomics, user interfaces, and the overall user experience, this technology is quite helpful.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Prototyping Method

Choosing a prototyping approach involves considering several criteria. Think about the following:

Cost Implications

Digital prototypes and line drawings are typically less expensive than working prototypes. Evaluate the limits of your budget and select a strategy that fits within your means.

Time Constraints

Digital prototyping is more rapid than traditional functional prototypes when time is of the essence. But it's also essential to take into account the project's complexity and the necessary level of detail.

Material Requirements

Using authentic materials is typically necessary for working prototypes that faithfully depict the finished product. When selecting a prototyping technique, consider the cost and availability of materials.

Complexity of the Project

Line drawings and mockups can be sufficient for basic designs and concepts. However, digital or functional prototypes may be more advantageous for highly detailed designs with a significant level of functionality.

Choose KC Proto for Your Prototyping Needs

KC Proto is a leading player in the prototype industry, making it an excellent choice for your product development requirements. One of Kansas City's leading 3D modeling businesses, KC Proto combines experience, modern technology, and a dedication to client satisfaction.

Whether you require line drawings, digital prototypes, or working prototypes, KC Proto has the capabilities to bring your ideas to life. We thrive at offering prototyping solutions catered to your particular project requirements because of our team of talented individuals and advanced facilities.


  • A prototype is a tangible representation of a design concept, allowing designers and engineers to test and refine their ideas before committing to full-scale production. It helps identify potential issues, improve functionality, and gather stakeholder feedback.

  • While not mandatory, prototyping significantly enhances the product development process. It mitigates risks, reduces costly errors, and ensures the final product meets user expectations. Prototyping is especially crucial for complex projects and industries where functionality is critical.

  • The costs of product prototyping vary based on the method chosen, materials used, and project complexity. Line drawings and digital prototypes are generally more cost-effective than working prototypes, which require using actual materials and manufacturing processes.

  • Prototyping seamlessly integrates with other design processes by providing a tangible model for evaluation and testing. It facilitates collaboration among team members and stakeholders, ensuring that design iterations can be made efficiently.

  • Businesses partnering with KC Proto gain access to a team of experienced professionals, state-of-the-art technology, and a commitment to delivering high-quality prototypes. KC Proto understands the unique needs of each project, offering customized solutions to accelerate the product development process and ensure success in the market.

3D Printing Services: Finding the Right Fit Near You

3D printing is a game-changer in the quickly developing fields of manufacturing and prototyping, as it can accurately and efficiently translate conceptual designs into physical prototypes. Finding the proper fit is becoming increasingly important as the demand for 3D printing services rises. This blog will explore the benefits of outsourcing, the reasons for investing in professional 3D printing services, a thorough examination of various 3D printing methods, and a detailed how-to guide for locating and selecting the top 3D printing companies in your area.

Why You Should Invest in Professional 3D Printing Services?

Precision and Expertise

Precision and experience are two main arguments favoring professional 3D printing services. These businesses employ seasoned experts who are well-versed in all aspects of 3D printing and run on modern machinery. This guarantees the highest precision in the production of your products or prototypes.

Access to Advanced Materials

Investing in 3D modeling companies gives you access to infinite material options. Various materials, including metals, polymers, and even biocompatible materials, can be used in 3D printing in contrast to conventional production techniques. This flexibility lets you select the material that best fits the needs of your project, whether you're making visually beautiful models or functional prototypes.

Time Efficiency

In the product development and prototyping industry, time is of the essence. Expert 3D printing businesses offer speedy project turnaround times because they specialize in rapid prototyping. Businesses with strict deadlines or those operating in sectors where quick iteration is essential will benefit most from this speed.

Quality Assurance

It is impossible to compromise on quality in any production process. Professional 3D printing services consider quality assurance a top priority throughout production. From material selection to the complications of the printing process, these services are committed to producing outputs of the highest caliber that match or surpass customer expectations.

Comprehensive Services

Expert 3D printing companies frequently provide a wide range of services besides printing. This may involve post-processing methods, material selection advice, and design optimization. The ability to tap into these supplementary services can significantly enhance the overall outcome of your project.

Why Consider Outsourcing for 3D Printing: The Benefits

Increased Cost Savings

The possibility of more significant cost reductions is one of the biggest benefits of outsourcing 3D printing services. The initial expenditures of setting up an in-house 3D printing plant for supplies, labor, and equipment are high. Through outsourcing, you can use a professional service's infrastructure and knowledge without making a big upfront investment.

Boosted Time Efficiency

By outsourcing your 3D printing needs, you can benefit from the experience of experts committed to their work. Faster project completion times result from this expertise, which is vital for companies trying to launch goods quickly.

Wider Range of Services

A wider range of services becomes available when you outsource 3D printing. Professional 3D printing services can offer a comprehensive solution whether you need help with difficult design problems, material selection, or post-processing procedures.

Access to Advanced Technology

It can be difficult for small firms to stay on top of technology developments in 3D printing. But to remain competitive, professional services invest in innovative technology. By outsourcing, you can take advantage of these developments without upgrading your in-house machinery.

Increased Flexibility and Scalability

Scaling your projects becomes flexible using outsourcing. Professional 3D printing services can adjust to your demands, enabling scalability that may be difficult to achieve with in-house resources, whether working on a tiny prototype or organizing a large-scale production run.

Enhanced Quality of Output

3D printing services give quality control top priority during the entire production process. It can be difficult to duplicate this commitment to quality in an internal setting when attention is frequently split between several projects.

Analyzing the Different Types of 3D Printing Services

Selecting the best 3D printing service for your project requires understanding the many available options. Every technology has advantages and disadvantages. Here is a quick rundown of a few typical types:

  • Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM): a 3D printing process that uses a continuous filament of a thermoplastic material.  This is the most common and affordable 3d printing process and offers a number of material options.  

  • Stereolithography (SLA): It uses a liquid resin that has been UV-cured to produce accurate, high-resolution models. SLA is frequently chosen for applications that call for minute details.

  • Selective Laser Sintering (SLS): A laser is used to sint powdered materials, layer by layer, to create 3D objects. SLS is suitable for the manufacture of functional prototypes and end-use parts.

  • PolyJet Printing: A high-precision method that uses UV light to quickly cure layers of liquid photopolymer sprayed onto a construction tray. Polyjet is known for its detailed, multi-color models.

  • Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS): Similar to SLS, it works with metal powder, allowing the fabrication of metal parts. DMLS is used where metallic materials are needed.

Knowing their advantages and disadvantages aids in choosing the best service for your unique needs.

How to Find the Best: Exploring 3D Printing Services Near You

Identify 3D Printing Services

Find local 3D printing services to get your search started. A short web search, a look through trade publications, or asking colleagues for referrals can all assist in creating a list of possible applicants.

Research and Compare Companies

Once you've compiled a list, examine each company's specifics. Consider elements like the kinds of 3D printing they provide, the assortment of materials they have on hand, their cost structures, and their collection of finished projects. Look out for businesses that have worked on projects comparable to yours or with experience in your sector.  

Evaluate Location and Costs

In terms of project collaboration and shipping expenses, proximity counts in particular. To balance affordability and convenience, consider each service's location and compare it to the total cost.

Check Reviews and Testimonials

Prior customers' experiences may provide important insights regarding the standing and dependability of a 3D printing business. Collect input regarding project management, communication, and general satisfaction. You can find online reviews and testimonials on independent review platforms or the company's website.

Choose the Best Service for You

Select the 3D printing provider that best fits your project's needs, budget, and schedule after carefully weighing your possibilities. Get in touch with the chosen services to discuss more and get answers to any questions you may have.

KC Proto - The Perfect Choice for Your Next 3D Printing Project

KC Proto is a shining quality example of 3D Printing services in Kansas City. Get in touch with us right now to go over the details of your project, learn more about our selection of 3D printing options, and discover the unparalleled accuracy and effectiveness that distinguishes KC Proto. Choose KC Proto for a unique 3D printing experience; together, we can bring your ideas to life!


  • 3D printing is a versatile technology for prototyping, product development, manufacturing, and medical applications. It allows the creation of physical objects layer by layer from digital models.

  • 3D printing involves creating a digital model, slicing it into layers, and then building the physical object layer by layer using materials such as plastic, metal, or resin.

  • The cost of 3D printing depends on factors like the type of technology used, material choice, and the project's complexity. Professional services often provide detailed pricing information based on these factors.

  • Yes, outsourcing 3D printing services can save costs by eliminating the need for upfront investments in equipment, materials, and technology upgrades. 3d printing has a little bit of a learning curve so outsourcing to professionals will speed up production time and improve quality.

  • KC Proto combines state-of-the-art technology, a wide range of 3D printing services, and a commitment to quality, making it the ideal choice for businesses and individuals seeking reliable 3D printing services.

Lawn Da Vinci

Thanks to all that came out to see us us at Kansas city Makerfaire.  I will be updating and adding to this post so stay tuned.

Cad Model of Robot Lawnmowers

So, you want to make your own remote controlled lawn mower like in the movie "Honey, I shrunk the kids" ? You should. This is a fun project that is very practical and makes mowing the lawn a lot more enjoyable. You will learn a few new skills along the way that will help you be a better maker.

First, a disclaimer. Robots are dangerous. Lawn mowers are dangerous. Robot lawn mowers are the danger of mowers times the danger of robots. KC Proto is not responsible for any damage to anything living or inanimate. This project was possible because of the spirit of open source. Pay anything you learn forward. Suggestions on improvements are welcome.

I. Gathering materials

There are a lot of parts to this project and a few ways to customize it to suite your purposes. These are the supplies I used and they work well.

1. Lots of angle iron and steel- I used 2 inch angle iron and, in retrospect, it was a little bit of an overkill. It is strong enough for me to ride though.

2. Mobility scooter motors- There are a lot of used motors on ebay and they are all pretty similar. If you can get them with the tires on, it will save you a lot of time.

3. Lawn mower - Find a cheap push mower. Any mower should work but make sure it is reliable and it starts.

4. RC remote- I used a Tower Hobbies System 3000 and it works well.

5. Other electronics- There are a few ways to do this but I used an arduino pro mini, a raspberry pi, a Sabertooth 2x25 motor controller, a relay and a webcam. More on this later.

6. 2 Batteries- Pretty much any 12v car or marine battery should work. 2 trickle chargers fill up the batteries in between mowings.

7. Beer hat- Optional, but highly recommended.

Gathering Material

II. Planning

You don't have to make a full CAD model but a little planning goes a long way.  I modeled a rough plan of what I was looking to make in Onshape and is available to view here for reference.  You will want to make sure your batteries, motors and lawn mower all fit together well and that you won't have any clearance issues.  

Cad Model of Robot Lawnmowers

III.  Making the frame

If this is your first time making something like this (like me) you are going to need some help and the right tools.  If you are in the Kansas city area, I recommend going to a place like Hammerspace Workshop.  The right welding equipment, saws, grinders and help are going to make this a lot easier.  Measure twice cut once.

Making the Frame

IV. Painting the frame

Time to put some lipstick on that pig of a frame you have made.  Doing this step right will make your mower rust resistant, cover up a little bit of your weld job and ensure it lasts long enough pass down to your children.  Your frame is going to be very greasy and dirty at this point so clean it very well with a degreaser.  Putting your frame up on blocks will help you get into some of the harder to reach places.  If you are painting in your garage, think about what size your tarp needs to be and get the size larger than that.  Let's just say I didn't follow this advice.   Since you are painting on raw steel, primer will help make sure you have a nice even coat.  I used Krylon Rust Tough enamel primer and paint from my local auto parts store with good results.

Remote Controlled Lawn Mower

V. Attaching the mower and wheels

The best way I found to approach this was to use existing wheel hardware to attach to to the frame.  I had my planned mower blow up mid project so I had to improvise with a different mower.  Before you take off the wheels, take note of the deck height and replicate that in your design.  When attaching your motors, you may notice that they don't roll.  This could be because the brake is engaged and or there are governors on them.  You can remove those.  We don't need safety.  

VI.  Wiring up the batteries and motor driver

Be careful in this stage.  You are dealing with 24v of power which is enough to destroy all of your precious electronics or cause you great physical discomfort.  

1. To get more power, you are going to wire the batteries in series so connect one of the batteries + to the other battery's -.  

2. If you are using the Sabertooth motor driver, you will wire it as follows:

M1A- red wire of right motor (if facing from the back)

M1B- black wire of right motor

B+ - positive terminal of battery

B- - negative terminal of battery

M2A- black wire of left motor 

M2B- red wire of left motor

On the Sabertooth motor driver, you will have to set the dip switches for type of input you are going to give it.  We are using the rc mode so set the switches as follows:







Wiring Up the Batteries and Motor Driver

Next, let's wire up the arduino and rc receiver.   I have changed the way I do this from the way it was built originally.  To improve reliability and reduce complexity, the motor driver now gets it's signal directly from the RC receiver once it goes through the 2 relays controlled by the arduino, which is always looking for a good signal.  The arduino and raspberry pi are powered off of a disassembled car cigarette lighter usb charger which takes the 12v of the batteries down to a clean 5v.  I originally had it powered off of the sabertooth but have better reliability this way.  There are many ways to kill the motors.  You can turn the remote off, push the trainer button, left with the right joystick,  or push a button separate key fob and all of these will kill it.  The Raspberry pi is only currently being used for webcam streaming.   There will be more information on which pins are being used on the arduino in the code.

VII.  The Code

It is suggested that you test out the code before you wire to the motor driver.  Even after you have tested the code, it is highly suggested that you put your mower up on blocks so that it doesn't run away from you.  This is important for you and your property's safety.  The code is available here.  Standard beer-ware terms apply.  

I hope this is helpful for anyone wanting to make a remote controlled lawnmower.  If you make one, please send us a picture and we'll post it here.

If you have any questions, contact us.